Independent Projects
Dedicated daily time for Independent projects gives students the chance to pursue their passions, interests, or curiosity in a deeper way within a framework of accountability. Students can pursue their own project ideas, as long as they do not require significant support from staff members.
Independent projects are to be chosen, driven, and completed by individual students, with limited and occasional guidance from staff members.
All students will showcase their completed projects to the greater community (parents invited) at the end of each term (3x a year), practicing their presentation and public speaking skills.
Students are also invited to embark on Quests, which have been designed by staff members to give children greater guidance on meaningful and challenging project options.
Independent Project Examples
Starting a business
Creating a series of artworks
Conducting an original scientific experiment
Composing a song
Writing a book
Creating a short-form video series
Programming a video game
Building an igloo
Designing a new board game
Developing a website
Learning to play a new instrument
Group Projects
Group projects can either be full- or part-class experiences led by staff members or a combination of any number of kids (two or more) working on a collaborative project. These projects will also be presented on at our end-of-term showcase events, three times a year.