Tuition & Fees
The team has been very thoughtful about how we can balance funding an excellent program while making Wilderland accessible to our greater community. To give Wilderland the highest chance of lasting, the Board is 100% volunteer, and also pays the same tuition rates as the public for their own children to attend the school.
Wilderland charges no application, registration, or materials fees.
Monthly Tuition
Multiply the prices below by nine months (Sep-May) for the annual tuition. For extended care after school, contact us directly.
Full-Time (5 Days a Week), Holistic Elementary Education
MTWTh 8:30a-3:30p, F 8:30a-1p
Part-Time (3 Days a Week), Holistic Elementary Education
Any 3 Days (consistent week to week)
Part-Time (2 Days a Week), Holistic Elementary Education
Any 2 Days (consistent week to week)
By maximizing our discount policy, parents can pay 20% off full-price, which comes to $800/mo for full-time enrollment and $440/mo for part-time. Learn more →
Payment Schedule
Due on the first of each month, from Sep to May
Due on the first day of the first month of the school year (Sep 1)
Multiply monthly tuition by 9 to calculate your annual payment. Parents who opt to pay annually will receive a 5% discount.
Refund Policy
To give all students at Wilderland the highest chance of success, families who join Wilderland are expected to pledge commitment for the full academic year (or the remainder of the year if they join midway). In the extraordinary circumstance that Wilderland determines that a child is not a good fit after enrollment, arrangements will be made to refund the family, prorated to the number of weeks attended.
Although the Early Pledge deposit is "non-refundable," we will still refund the deposit if Wilderland has determined that your child is not a good fit for the school, or you have found the school experience to be materially different from what was promised.
We want every parent who feels that their child would thrive at Wilderland to be able to send them. Please review all the following resources to reduce out-of-pocket costs, and don’t be shy about applying for Wilderland’s need-based scholarships.
Tuition Discounts
Wilderland is providing discounts on our tuition based on the following scenarios. All discounts stack (up to 20% off full-price).
Early Pledge Discount
Families who commit with a non-refundable deposit of $250 (towards tuition) by June 15 2024 will be granted a discount
Sibling Discount
Families who enroll more than one child will receive a 10% discount on every additional child’s tuition
Early Payment Discount
For families who pay the annual tuition before the school year starts
Maximum Discount Scenario
Say a family does the following:
1 Commits early for a 5% (up to $45/mo) discount per child → $955/mo for full-time, or $522/mo for part-time
2 Enrolls two kids full-time for a 10% ($90/mo) discount per additional child → $955/mo for first child, $865/mo for second child
3 Pays up front one year for a 5% ($45/mo) discount per child → $910/mo for first child, $820/mo for second child
A family can pay as low as $910/mo for a first child and $820/mo for any additional children.
Tuition Bartering
We understand that private school tuition can be a major financial hurdle for families who want to enroll their child at Wilderland. We want to support as many students and families as possible at our school, and so we are excited to announce the following Tuition Bartering Policy.
In lieu of payment for a portion or totality of tuition, a family can provide professional services or materials for the school that the school was already expecting to pay for in their annual budget. The % discount on tuition will depend on the market value of the professional services or materials provided.
Professional services that qualify
Teaching/facilitation, part-time or full-time, for the school
Construction or maintenance of school facilities
Providing use of or access to property and/or facilities
Accounting/tax preparation
On-call medical/nursing
Materials that qualify
School supplies
Workshop, makerspace, or laboratory equipment
Musical instruments
To start the bartering submission process, apply now using this form.
All professional services and materials must be reviewed and approved by the Wilderland team before it can count towards tuition reduction.
Government Funding
Because it can be difficult for many parents to justify paying tuition when there is a "free" option (public school) available, we accept Utah state government scholarships to drastically reduce the financial sacrifice involved. See below for the options offered by our state.
Wilderland Scholarships
We recognize that not all families have the ability to reduce their tuition by providing needed professional services or materials to the school, so in the spirit of inclusivity, we also have scholarships available. We encourage people of all backgrounds to apply, as we believe strongly in the value and strength of diversity.
Needs-based Scholarships
After a family’s ability to provide professional services has been reviewed and calculated, and the family believes they are still not able to pay the balance of their tuition, they can apply for a Needs-based Scholarship.
Needs-based Scholarships will be granted on a case-by-case basis, after reviewing two figures (household income and number of children) as well as any other pertinent information (e.g. a family member’s diagnosis of cancer) that could make tuition payments financially prohibitive. The Wilderland Board will convene to review all applications and determine the total scholarship package available for the student.
To apply for a Needs-based Scholarship, go here.
Merit-based Scholarships
Merit-based scholarships are not available at this time, but this may change in the future.